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Enhance your wellbeing by creating a life you love.

transform your life

Explore workshops, lessons, coaching sessions and retreats rooted in positive psychology.


Cultivate your best self. Join DEFINE Life Founder and Ivy League Scholar, Henry, for weekly lessons dedicated to helping you thrive in all areas of your life.


Feeling stuck? Our expert coaches offer effective strategies to set you on the path to fulfilling your goals. Ready to make a change? Register for a consultation.


Our restorative retreats will transform your life inside and out. Join us in one of our gorgeous locations and dive into yoga, positive psychology workshops and more. See upcoming dates.


Transform your mind, body and spirit with our enriching weekly and monthly workshops. From fitness and meditation to nutrition and positive psychology, explore our offerings.

to learn

define your
best life

Created by the founder of DEFINE Body & Mind, join our virtual wellbeing hub for daily practices that will bring positive transformations to you and those around you.

Then $59 / month